About Us


Kunokhanya Trading and Projects (Pty) Ltd was founded and registered with CIPRO (2015/250399/07) in 2015. The CIPRO registered company is a B-BBEE LEVEL 1 CONTRIBUTOR. It is 100 % black owned. It is registered with SARS, Income Tax Number 9267408228. In 2016 Kunokhanya was accredited as a Further Education and Training College (FETC) with Health Sciences and Social Services as main focus by the Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA) with accreditation number HW591PA166719. It also got registered with Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), registration number QCTO Reg: 07-QCTO/SDP130623135748. As an education and training institution it adopted the name Kunokhanya Training Academy.

Training History

The college started training in 2017 with a first intake of nine (9) learners doing Community Health Work 4 and three (3) doing Ancillary Health Care. Kunokhanya now has over 1000 learners who have graduated. Average yearly enrolment now stands at two hundred learners with a staff compliment of over eight members.


To be the centre of excellence for the development and successful delivery of outcomes-based education and training in the Health Sciences and Social Services industry in South Africa.


We are committed to: • Adhere to all the rules and regulations which govern training and development. • Make learning an exciting experience that inspires learners to reach their full potential as lifelong learners. • Form lasting partnership with our stakeholders namely students, quality assurance bodies, community, employees, and other employers who are interested to form partnership with our business in terms of training and development. • Build our institution to be regarded as the college of choice than a money-making scheme.

Our People

We employ a core team of exceptional individuals including, a Managing Director, a Principal, a Finance and Administration Secretary, facilitators (5), receptionist and a cleaner. We also utilize services of external moderators, professional associates, and support personnel on an as-needed basis. The team consists of individuals that have worked on international, national, and local levels with proven track records of delivery in education, training, and development programmes with special emphasis on the Health Sciences and Social Services industry

Our Networks

We have established relationships with the following organizations: Ethembeni Salvation Army [Capt. Bongi Zulu (011) 402 8101]; JAFTA [Primrose Neku (011) 435 4171]; Johannesburg Coronation [M.M Walker (011) 613 5927]; Edenvale Care Centre [Sr. Leigh (011) 454 0996]; June’s Heaven Frail Care [Sr. Joy/ Charity (011) 482 8319]; Ephraim Zulu Old Age Home [Sipho (011) 982 1084]; Frank Myndhart Care Centre [Sr. Ina Trosky (011) 7400 730]; Lambano Sanctuary [Lyn Croote (011)615 3307]; Andries Meyer Old Age Home [Charlotte Bosman (011) 3422 850]; Herfsland [Sr. Van Ransburg (011) 972 5417/8]; Wits Health Hubb [Dr Lisa Ware 010-447-3721]; Transcend Corporate Advisors (Pty) Ltd [Maria Kubeka (011) 442 2433]; Our Customers: We have provide training interventions to Transcend Corporate Advisors (Pty) Ltd in Johannesburg and Wits Health Hubb (a Division of Wits Health Consortium (Pty) Ltd) and Minerva Books cc in Vereeniging.


We are accredited by the following organisations:


Phone: 012 003 1800
Physical Address: 256 Glyn Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083
Postal address: Private Bag X278, Pretoria
Email: info@qcto.org.za


Phone: 0800 87 2222
Physical Address: 123 ​Francis Baard Street Pretoria 0001
Email: callcentre@dhet.gov.za 


HWSETA Head Office: 011 607 6900 | 011 607 6910
Physical Address : 17 Bradford Road, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2047
HWSETA Gauteng & North West Provincial Office: 011 205 0200